A unique bougatsa seminar for tomorrow's successful professionals in the field of catering held on March 24 in the laboratories of the confectionary IEK Xini Thessaloniki by the company FAMA food service and Mr. Nikos Christodoulis and Mr. Konstantinos Organtzis! Mr. Christodoulis having vast knowledge in the manufacture of sheet bougatsa decided to put back the outfit and teach young students some small success secrets. Students although in principle seemed restrained by the difficulty of doing so through their active participation and guidance from the experts were able to have fun and be enriched with the proper knowledge that will help them in their future steps. Because to be competitive and to make a difference must constantly learn new things. FAMA food service provides assistance to young scientists and actively support such activities through its active participation.   iek1 iek2 iek3 iek4 iek5 iek6 iek7 iek8 iek9 iek11 iek12 iek13

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