Our Company
OUR MISSION is to provide our clients with high quality products, with a sense of responsibility and on a daily basis, and to increase our part in the production of all types of products, in which we engage, keeping our PHILOSOPHY wich strives for production of high quality products,provision of support and know-how with regard to products and their uses,setting competitive prices so that clients are benefited,satisfaction of our clients, whom we treat as a partner rather than a client,investing in constant research/development of know-how and of new products,building long-term and honest relationships based on trust, cooperation and credibility. OUR STRATEGIC GOALS are the constant improvement of the quality of the products and services provided,development of new products in accordance with the ever increasing demands of our time and increase of its share in the market, identification and satisfaction of its clients needs; provision of quick, efficient and friendly service, constant training of employees and improvement of their working conditions.

In our company we support the development strategies of our customers through the production of innovative products. Our research and development division in cooperation with our customers, studies the needs of the market, discovers them best raw material suppliers, tests new product productions in the lab, makes market tests and finally generates mass production of the product selected by the customer. Great emphasis is given to the constant analysis of the products we deliver by setting high standards for your own satisfaction and the security of your customers.
Lets create together a product that satisfies your needs.

Our products are renowned in the field of confectionery. We offer a new competitive portfolio of products with technological innovations that allow our clients to produce high quality end products. Creativity is one of our basic drivers in the quest for solutions that meet the needs of the modern day market. Our products are subject to constant quality checks and are stored and distributed in the most appropriate way for each product group. Our partners throughout Greece are always willing to assist you. We are by your side in every corner of Greece.
We cover your raw material needs.

Products that are delivered to you on a daily basis are produced using optimum raw materials in modern production facilities and are ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 certified.
The awarding of these certificates to our company was a reward of our combined efforts, i.e. the efforts of our employees and partners. The great majority of our products are produced in Greece
and will fully satisfy your needs. The key to our make-to-order production system is flexibility in production.
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We create products in accordance with your specifications.