
Knead all the ingredients together by adding slowly water for 5' at slow speed and 8' at fast speed. Dough temperature 26 °C - 27 °C.

Place the dough in a special food pan with a cup for 30'.

Open the dough in a square shape and place margarine FAMA Premium Croissant 2K, which we have previously softened and squashed. We pass through the pulp machine three double "walks" with an intermediate rest each time for 15'.

When we have finished the 3mm thick folding process, place the dough on the counter, cut into 14x13cm pieces and cut 2 times at a similar distance, leaving the top 3cm wide uncut.

We knit them like braids, close all the edges well and put them in cupcake forms. Place for 30' at 35 °C and 75% humidity. Spread with egg and bake at 200 °C for 20'-25'.

When they cool well, we punch the center and fill the half with Bavarian Cream Panna Vortumnus and half with Bavarian Cream Chocolate Vortumnus.

Decorate half with Red Cherry in gel fruigel and half with Premium Compound Chocolate Zafiro Bitter Eurocao in dragee. Finally, sprinkle with Angel Icing.



For the dough

• 1000g Briozito Magnus Bochen (brioche mix)

• 200g Margarine FAMA Imperial Soft

• 60g Yeast

• 425g Water


For the folding

• 300g Margarine FAMA Premium Croissant 2K


For the filling

• 200g Bavarian Cream Panna Vortumnus

• 200g Bavarian Cream Chocolate Vortumnus



For the decor

• 50g Red Cherry in gel fruigel

• 50g Premium Compound Chocolate Zafiro Bitter Eurocao in Dragee

• 20g Angel Icing (sweet white powder that does not absorb moisture)




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