
 • 3500g Flour 70% strong

• 1500g of Monastery Bread ULDO

• 100g of yeast

• 3500g of water


Dough temperature: 26 - 28°C

Rest time: In the refrigerator for 12 - 15 hours

Pieces of dough: 1000 g

Laboratory rest time: 40 minutes (covered)


Knead the kneader for 2 'at slow speed and 6'-8' at fast speed.

Place the dough in a plastic food pan, rinse slightly from above and close with its lid. We roll into a loaf, flour the pan and place each piece with the "stitch" down. We turn them up with the "stitch" up and bake at 240°C with enough steam for 15 '- 20' and then at 220°C for another 20 '- 30.



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