
For the dough

• 1000g Primo Pomegranate Cake (mix for pomegranate cake)

• 400g Margarine FAMA Imperial Soft

• 40g Water


For the filling

  • 400g Crema Classic White


For the decoration

  • 400g Premium Compound Chocolate Zafiro White Eurocao
  • 200g Aegina pistachios (grated)



Knead all the ingredients together for 2'-3 'with the feather at medium speed. Cut to a weight of 20g each, form in a ball and place it on the sheet of paper with a gentle breeze. Push lightly with our hand to spread a little and cook at 170  οC for 15'. When we cool well, we fill one cookie with Crema Classic White and the other over the top. Melt Premium Compound Chocolate Zafiro White Eurocao, dipped to the middle of the cookie and immediately into the grated Aegina pistachios.


PS: They are an original and delicious proposal for gift wrapping.

PS2: They can withstand many days off the refrigerator.


  • 5 / 5
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