
For main preparation


• 180g FAMA Fritto Oil

• 170g Semolina thick

• 170g Semolina fine

• 250g Sugar

• 300g Crema Classic Tahini (Sesame)

• 950g Water (lukewarm)

• 10g Concentrated orange zest fruigel

• 100g Chocolate Haya 60% Eurocao

• 1-piece Asteroid Anise


For the decoration


• 100g Nibs de cacao Eurocao



In a medium heat pot, pour the FAMA Fritto oil and once cooked add the two kinds of semolina. Stir continuously with a wooden spoon until golden brown without burning. At the same time, in another utensil, we put the water with sugar, the Concentrated orange zest fruigel and the asteroid anise to boil and let them 2-3' to bind. Remove the star anise and roast the roasted semolina by stirring continuously until it begins to peel off the pots. Remove from the fire and add the Crema Classic Tahini to blend well. We divide Halva into two equal parts and in one we add the Chocolate Haya 60% Eurocao to achieve the two-color. We place halva in cups while it is still warm to be able to handle it as we wish. Decorate with Nibs de cacao Eurocao to give a sweet touch to the taste of halva.

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