
For sponge cake


  • 1kg Parisien Choco Sponge mix (cocoa sponge mix)
  • 600g Whole eggs
  • 200g Water


For chocolate mousse


  • 150g Milk Chocolate Mara Milk Eurocao
  • 380g Chocolate Haya 60% Eurocao
  • 200g Milk 3.5%
  • 300g Dairy cream Lowicz 36%
  • 500g Whipping cream Emilie 28%


For the mousse with vanilla bon bon (Torronalba)


  • 625g Dairy cream Lowicz 36%
  • 800g White chocolate White Miravet Eurocao
  • 3 Gelatin leaves (180 bloom in cold water)
  • 2000g Dairy cream Lowicz 36%
  • 300g Ice cream paste Vanilla Bon Bon Torronalba


Sugar pastes

  • 400g Blue
  • 200g Red
  • 100g White


For sponge cake

Beat the eggs with the water at the first speed in the mixer with the wire for 1’ till they are incorporated. Then add Parisien Choco Sponge mix and beat them all together at 3rd speed for 5-6'. Pour the mixture into strips or sheets and bake in a preheated air oven at 160 °C for about 30-35’ or in a preheated oven at 200 °C (up) and 180 °C (lower) for 35-40’.


For chocolate mousse

Boil dairy cream Lowicz 36% with milk and add chocolates. Next, add whipping cream Emilie 28%, whipped in yoghurt texture when the mixture is at 40 °C.


For the mousse with vanilla bon bon (Torronalba)


Warm dairy cream Lowicz 36% up to 85 °C and pour it onto White chocolate White Miravet Eurocao by adding softened gelatin leaves and Ice cream paste Vanilla Bon Bon Torronalba.

When the mixture reaches 35 °C, gradually mix dairy cream Lowicz 36%.



Take a cloth, put a sheet of sponge cake, fill with chocolate mousse and put another sheet of sponge cake. Fill the white mousse and close with a palette. Freeze in the freezer and open the sugar pastes to coat our cake and make the design we want.


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