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Melomakarona (Honey-Dipped Spice Cookies)

- 2,1Kg flour soft 70%
- 500g fine semolina
- 450g sugar
- 500g orange juice
- 1000g oil FAMA Choice
- 100g honey
- 350g water
- 15g ammonia
- 15g FAMA Baking Powder
- 20g cinnamon powder
- Zest of 2 oranges
- Syrup: 2kg water, 4kg sugar, 1kg honey, 20g cinnamon stick, 6g dried clove, 2 oranges, 200g brandy
Boil the syrup the day before. Mix all ingredients apart from the flour and the semolina. Then, slowly add the flour and the semolina and combine them to the rest of the ingredients with as few movements as possible. Roll the dough into oblong cookies and press them using three fingers; place the cookies on a metal sheet. Bake in a pre-heated hot air over at 160°Cfor 20 minutes or in a rack oven at 220°C (high) and at 160°C (low) for 22 minutes. Poor cold syrup on hot cookies.
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