
Place the first three ingredients from our recipe in the mixer bucket and beat with a feather at medium speed for 2'-3'. Previously, we have whipped the raisins and added them to the dough, mixing them slightly to evenly distribute. Divide the dough into two baking sheets and bake at 200 °C for 30'-40' depending on the oven.

After it has cooled well, sprinkle with enough Angel Icing powder.



For the dough


  • 1000g Primo Ginger Cake (Ginger Cake mix)
  • 460g Orange Juice
  • 280g Sunflower Oil FAMA Sunshine
  • 250g Raisins Black small
  • 250g Raisins Blond small


For the decor


  • 350g Angel Icing FAMA (moisture-absorbing sweetener)


  • 5 / 5
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