
For pomegranate cake and toffee caramel cake


  • 250g Primo Pomegranate Cake (Mix for Pomegranate Cake) or Primo Toffee Caramel Cake (Mix for Toffee Caramel Cake)
  • 70g Sunflower Oil FAMA Sunshine
  • 115g Water


For cocoa cake


  • 250g Tiffany's Choco Cake (Cocoa Cake Mix)
  • 68g Sunflower Oil FAMA Sunshine
  • 125g Water


For buttercream


  • 500g Fondant powder Couplet
  • 275g Margarine FAMA Imperial Soft or 270g Unsalted Lactic Butter 82% De Brandt
  • 50g Water


For filling


  • 180g Filling thermo Apple with extra pieces frutopia


For the covering


  • 200g Fondant powder Couplet
  • 10g Cacao Blanxart 22/24 Eurocao
  • 30g Water (80 οC)


For pomegranate syrup


  • 200g Water
  • 250g Sugar
  • 60g Pomegranate Liqueur
  • 0.5g Sour




For pomegranate cake and toffee caramel cake


Beat in the feeder mixer for 2-3' at medium speed and pour into small sheets for syrup. Bake at 180 οC for 15-20' depending on the oven. Allow to cool well.


For cocoa cake


Beat in the feeder mixer for 1' at slow speed and for 4-5' at medium speed and lay on small plates for syrup. Bake at 170-180 °C for 15-20' depending on the oven. Allow to cool well.


For buttercream


Place the water first (25 °C) in the mixer bin, then the Fondant powder Couplet and incorporate it with the wire at the slow speed. Add margarine FAMA Imperial Soft to room temperature (22 °C) and beat it together for 3-4' till it swells.


For the covering


Put all the ingredients together in the mixer bin and knock with the wire for 1' at slow speed and 1' on the middle. We always keep it in a bain-marie to have the liquidity we want.


For pomegranate syrup


Place in a pan all the ingredients together to boil for 1'. Allow to cool well.






On one base, first place the cocoa cake, pour the pomegranate syrup and pour it over with buttercream. Next, put the toffee caramel cake on top, pour the pomegranate syrup and pour the Filling thermo Apple with extra pieces frutopia. Put the pomegranate cake on top of it, pour the pomegranate syrup and pour over buttercream. Finally, put the cocoa cake again, pour the pomegranate syrup and cover with the cocoa fondant. We decorate with fondant.


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